

BE SMART presents a team of young and experienced IT engineers focused on delivering knowledge through their training, as well as design and consulting services at all levels.

We are a team of 15+ network engineers, security professionals, project managers, collaboration and server/cloud engineers and we are available 24×7, 365 days per year to meet the needs of our clients.

From network design and installation to a full complement of managed IT, IT security, and cloud services, we have an IT solution that will allow your organization to reach its full potential!

BE SMART and outsource to Serbia!

Key advantages:

  • Cost-effective - Outsourcing to Serbia offers an opportunity to reduce expenditure without sacrificing any quality.
  • Education – Serbia provides a full classical education in natural and technical sciences which is highly appreciated and recognised internationally.
  • Cultural affinity – The people of Serbia have a strong understanding of western culture, both on a personal and business level, which makes communication lot easier.
  • Communication - English language is mandatory through the Serbian schooling system for at least eight years, and English media is widespread in Serbian society.
  • Close proximity – Belgrade is within three hours flight from most major European cities